Weird & Wunderbar
Things that make us smile about Germany
Seriously good over-fly of Germany; what a wonderful world we live in.
Travel and transport:
- Drive through of Berlin during the New Years celebrations of 2014/15. Like a war zone.
- Tom Hanks being very entertaining on the subject of German autobahns, and more.
- A Lufthansa pillow fight. She really doesn’t look like she would.
- Hypnotic slo-mo of pax on Alexanderplatz U-bahn
- Try to keep your finger off the trigger in this overfly of the Bavarian Alps!
- Lovely piece from Top Gear about going round the Nurburgring in a van with the scrumptious Sabine.
- Steam train warns a motorist in the Harz.
- What was he doing in that tunnel?
- On second thoughts, maybe it’s better to travel by train. High wind landings in Dusseldorf in January 2012.
- Apologies for the bad language, but there are some good lines in this Hitler spoof
Things we just like:
- The Edeka ‘supergeil’ ad
- Bill Bailey’s Kraftwerk hokey-cokey
- German Coastguard sketch.
- OpaDonerPoodlesBread. Nuff said.
- This guy must have something in his lederhosen. Check out 1 min 28 sec in particular. And if you’d like more of this kind of stuff, check out Germany’s equivalent of Jedward; I reckon the lady on the balcony deserved every pfennig she got for that piece of work.
- The German language gets a roasting.
- German magician Simon Pierro has fun with his iPad. And here too, with a beer theme.

And finally, a handful of linguistic curiosities
- Die dümmsten Bauern haben die dicksten Kartoffeln – “The most stupid farmers have the biggest potatoes”. (Fortune favours fools.)
- Der Teufel scheißt immer auf den größten Haufen – “The devil is always shitting on the biggest heap”. (Money makes money.)
- Der hat doch den Arsch offen – “He’s got his arse open”. (He’s crazy.)
- Lügen haben kurze Beine – “Lies have short legs”. (Lies soon catch up with you.)
- Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste – “Caution is the mother of the porcelain box”. (It’s better to be safe than sorry.)
- Da beißt die Maus keinen Faden ab – “There bites the mouse no thread”. (That’s all there is to it.)
- Da liegt der Hund begraben – “This is where the dog is buried”. (This is the crux of the matter.)
- Er hat nicht alle Tassen im Schrank – “He doesn’t have all his cups in the cupboard”. (He’s nuts.) Thanks to Dorothea Bensen